The Developer's Guide to TLS


I find most joy in learning things that I know practically nothing about. In this post, I am sharing my newly gained knowledge around TLS. After explaining the importance of TLS (or rather justifying to myself why I'm investing time in this...), this post goes through the basic flows of the basic…

Tags: devops, tls, security

HackManchester 2018


TL;DR Teamed up with a bunch of awesome people for HackManchester 2018 and won the main challenge by building an IoT-button-controlled time machine. Partners in Crime I've partaken in a few hackathons before and was even relatively successful with previous teams. This participation at HackManchester…

Tags: womenintech

Deploying a Gatsby project to S3 & enabling HTTPS


TL;DR Put your website into a bucket. Get a certificate from Certificate Manager, pointing at your domain name. Create a CloudFront distribution for the bucket that contains your website and attach the certificate to it. Wait. Point the A name record of your domain to the CloudFront distribution…

Tags: deployment, gatsby, tls

Things I learnt from working in front-end


I started work at a big tech company five months ago. By this, I mean first time ever being full-time employed. This is a scary fact on its own. I applied for a back-end position. However, due to shortages in the front-end teams, there was an abrupt change of plans for me. So this is how I got into…

Tags: front-end

Technologies that power my site


TL;DR Requirements website hostable on S3 blog functionality with tags fully in JavaScript Used Technology and Services AWS Route 53 for hosted zones AWS CloudFront for SSL certificate management Gatsby JS as the framework Recently, I developed a serious interest in learning JavaScript. A simple…

Tags: react, javascript, front-end