Cynthia Lee

  • E14 9BF London



London, UK
  • Backend Engineer on the Platform squad
  • Automating, and optimizing product critical deployments in AWS
  • Supporting my squad to develop product thinking/culture
  • Improving developer workflow, increasing scalability, and optimizing speed
since 08/2019


London, UK
  • Software Engineer
  • Consulting and advisory
  • Showing full flexibility in terms of learning new technologies
  • Working in various domains
08/2018 - 07/2019

The Hut Group

Northwich, UK
  • Graduate Software Engineer
  • Fullstack web development, from services to user interfaces, of various e-commerce sites (e.g. Nintento Online Store, MyProtein, Illamasqua, Probikekit)
  • Exposure to lots of other facets of a big tech company e.g. UX and UI design, SEO
  • Representing my team at weekly meetings with the business side of the company
  • Dealing with legacy systems
  • Main technologies: Java, JavaScript, Sass
10/2017 - 07/2018


University of Glasgow

Glasgow, UK
  • MSc Software Development
  • One-year, practice-oriented conversion masters degree
  • Main language taught was Java
  • Several projects using different technologies including Java, Python, PostgreSQL
  • Final year project: Social robotics and human-robot interaction, experimental project design with robot Furhat
2016 - 2017

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Hamburg, Germany
  • BSc Business Psychology
  • Main modules: organisational psychology and consulting and international business
  • Acquired the knowledge to conduct (psychological) studies and more importantly, to question and analyse them
  • Final year project, New Work movement, Evaluation of agile organisational structures and their effect on recruitment processes, qualitative content analysis of conducted interviews with companies.
2013 - 2016

Shanghai University

Shanghai, China
  • Semester abroad
  • Emphasis: International Business Management
  • Other modules include HR management and international finance
Summer 2015


HackManchester 2018

Manchester, UK
  • Winner of the title challenge, Best in Show
  • First all-women team to win the prize
  • 25 hours of coding
  • Product: IoT-buttons-controlled "time machine"
  • Main technologies: .Net Core, JavaScript

HackZurich 2017

Zurich, Switzerland
  • Europe's biggest hackathon (550 teams)
  • 40 hours of nonstop coding
  • Building of a voice-controlled presentation app that works offline
  • I was part of a great team and our submission made it into the final
  • Check out the GitHub repo
  • Main technology: Python (Django)

StirHack 2017

Stirling, UK
  • First hackathon experience
  • App to let students report maintenance issues at university
  • My team and I won the AWS category price with our submission
  • Main technology: Python (Django)

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